It's like this, Catfish

 It feels like an odds and ends type of day. That means I write about odds and ends of life, liberty and the pursuit of dinner.

ohohohohohohohohohohohohoohohohohohohohohohohoh — The oho line. Figure it out and win a prize. Yeah, and if you believe that …

 It’s laundry and more specifically drying time. That was such a beautiful song. Wasn’t that Ray Charles? “Oh it’s drying time again, you’re going to leave me/I can see that faraway look in your eyes … ” Oh  yeah, it was crying, not drying. No s**t man, Ray sang that, faraway look and all.


 All the politicians and cable news pundits are talking about how a few elections such as a single congressional race in New York state and the contest for governor in New Jersey will be the big “report card” on the Obama administration. I thought they did that on the first 100 days. The truth is, it gives the talking heads something to talk about, as if they were totally without a subject of discussion. It just beats me to a smashed doodle bug.


 The Texans looked awesome yesterday. Buffalo, not so much.


 I just got back my EMG report from two weeks ago. It would be nice to have a neurologist to explain it to me since one did the test. But I suppose the Department of Veterans Affairs has a plan. Yeah, I bet. Especially since I don’t have a “personal” primary care physician or physicians assistant or nurse practitioner. You see, my clinic is short two primary care people right now, or they was last week. So who knows when I will get a doctor for my very own who can oversee the testing that Dr. G-V recommended in his report: “Screen for causes of peripheral neuropathy (metabolic, toxic, nutritional).” Yeah, and all that good doctor stuff


Whazzup? (Photo courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department © 2006)
Whazzup? (Photo courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department © 2006)

See you later, Catfish.

I just felt the need to call someone Catfish today.

Doesn’t the urge hit you every once in awhile to call someone

Catfish? No?

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