Working for the weekend? Stop. Go home.

Sometimes I wonder if the American people work on Friday?

I know when I had a full-time job I certainly worked on Friday. It seemed, though, as if most of the rest of the world didn’t work on Friday. This was especially true in government offices. Now that I work part time for “them” I know that isn’t true. But since I work part-time, I don’t work every Friday. In fact my schedule this year has quite a few free Fridays. There is a reason for that.  That’s the way it goes.

When I am out and about on Friday afternoon, in full-blown errand-running mode, it really seems as if no one works on Friday. The bank lines are full. The shopping district traffic is almost as crazy as on a Saturday afternoon.

I would imagine that a good many of those who do work on Fridays and Friday afternoons are thinking about not working on Friday or Friday afternoons. So in honor of all of those who aren”t working or thinking about not working or thinking about the weekend or dreaming of that first glass of cold beer or imagining  a hug from the kiddo or your cat jumping up in your lap — Work’s over. Go home.