Serving up a tad more Rice

Nothing of great significance in the Ray Rice saga today. Baltimore Ravens Coach John Harbaugh had a brief news conference last evening and clearly wanted to talk about football rather than his indefinitely suspended star running back. The “Ravens Nation” should clearly thank their lucky stars that their coach is John Harbaugh rather than his brother, San Francisco 49ers Coach Jim Harbaugh. Sometimes known as “Mr. Intensity,” the West Coast Harbaugh brother might one day be gone from the Niners not because he is a poor Xs and Os guy but because his team and its big dogs can’t stand the coach.

Today, newlywed Janay Palmer Rice released a fireball on Instagram ripping, practically, mankind on the most recent video of her taking a forceful blow to the face from her then-fiancee Ray Rice in the now famous Atlantic City elevator incident. One could shake their head and “tsk, tsk” all they want but she has every right to shout and blame her exploitation. It doesn’t matter that her husband deserves some time behind bars and into a court-ordered program for such abuse.

Finally, no matter how much of a violent bully Ray Rice may be, the question must be asked whether a person should lose their livelihood for one documented episode of domestic assault? I say “documented” because no proof has yet to surface that Ray Rice has a history of such behavior. Even convicted robbers and murders get a chance at gainful employment after serving their sentences. True, Rice has yet to face charges for the recorded brutal assault.

I am by no means defending domestic assault. I was repulsed seeing Mrs. Rice knocked out brutally by her now husband. I am only saying this is one of these terrible moments, perhaps exploited by the media, that raises more thoughts and questions than answers.

Perhaps even some good may come from what has become much larger than a sports story. Let’s hope so. It would be such a bummer for such a sordid story to be just one more blip on the media screen.