Paying tribute to a couple of Cowboys, one well known and another …

We lost a couple of much admired cowboys from our Southeast Texas area over the weekend. O.A. “Bum” Phillips, best known as Houston Oilers head coach during it’s “Luv Ya Blue era,” died Friday. He was 90. John Garner, 82, a Southeast Texas TV icon who played “Cowboy John” on the local “Circle 4 Club” …

Cowboys need to sink or swim since Wade is no longer an option

It  has been quite some time since I could claim myself as a Dallas Cowboys fan. Many, many years it has been. I think it was when the Cowboys became the so-called “America’s Team” that I swore off of them. How dare them! America’s team, my ass. Whose team was the Charger’s, Tijuana? Nonetheless, I …