¿Hipocrita o poli­tico genio?

Photographers seem more interested in John Roberts (sitting at right), before his Supreme Court confirmation, than Sen. John Cornyn proving life just isn’t fair.

Someone once said that if hypocrisy was illegal, then most of Washington, D.C., would be locked up. Be that as it may U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, has an interesting Web site. No it’s not his normal Senate Web site but rather a version of his Web site en Espanol. This Spanish version Web site gives the junior Texas senator a way to explain issues such as his recent vote against the Senate immigration reform bill:

“Declaracion De Cornyn Sobre Promulgacion De Propuesta De Inmigracion En El Senado:
Yo sigo comprometido a lograr una reforma comprensiva, pero no puedo apoyar una propuesta con tantas fallas,’” dice Cornyn

Or, in English, Cornyn says the bill is flawed.

A case could be made for the political necessity of having bilingual Web sites when the state you represent is 32 percent Hispanic. However, Cornyn has hardly been a promoter of English as a second language:

“People should come to America and be American and learn English. And they can’t do it if people live as though they’re part of a subculture,” said Cornyn.

You may agree with some of that, all of that or none of that. Cornyn did vote recently for the provision that English should be the national language. So does his Web sites in Spanish and English constitute hypocrisy, political genius, political necessity or all or none of the above? I don’t want to be sued by Fox News so instead of saying ‘I report, you decide,’ I’ll say: I tell you about it, you figure it out.

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