A horse is a horse, of course, of course

There had to be a reason why I went to Kroger today. I mean, besides it being one of the closest supermarkets to where I live. There was also the Postnet next door to Kroger where I had to make copies and mail some paper work. But afterward I noticed parked in the Kroger lot, the big, red tractor-trailer with a couple of square portholes — which some might consider an oxymoron — that bore a sign that the Budweiser Clydesdales were here.

Actually, it was A Clydesdale, as in one. I caught the horse there just as it was about to head off in its big tractor trailer for another personal appearance.

I apologize for the picture. It was made from in the shadows with my new phone which I was operating from the flip-open keypad. I hate new phones.

Fantastic horses are the Clydesdales though. I have seen the Bud Clydesdales several times, the first time probably 40-some years ago at the Busch Brewery in Houston. That time I saw an entire team and remember being quite impressed to see horses so much larger than me, my being 12 years old or so. The one I saw today is as well larger than me. The ideal Bud horses are about 6 feet tall and weigh a ton.

I have to say the horse’s handlers didn’t like it very much when I retrieved a football and tried to get the lone gelding to kick it. (Not really)


I thought the street construction here in Beaumont was ridiculous a year ago. It has become downright insufferable. One never knows where construction is going to pop up. North 11th and North. The city which has been laying down new drainage in and fancifying  Calder Avenue has the street open to the South I-10 service road, all the way downtown, but they’ve yet to turn on the traffic light at the busy 11th Street intersection. Calder is also closed for the drainage and, I suppose, to spruce it up perhaps with a bike lane, curbs and sidewalks like on the others side of I-10. One never knows though.

Continuing down 11th near Gateway Shopping Center, home of the original Jason’s Deli, they seem to be working on drainage for Fannin Street which has 11th Street at Gateway down to two lanes instead of four.

As I have said before, I am thrilled they are doing something about drainage problems — flash flooding is big problem here in a place with an average of about 60 inches of rain per year — and doubly happy they are improving the streets. There are a lot more well-traveled streets, Seventh between I-10 and Calder a good example, that need fixing. I just wish they wouldn’t do everything at once. It’s a real pain in the patootie.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk – a mouse

I saw one night before. If I had been quick enough I would have drop-kicked it. I have taken steps to dispatch it.

Such an exciting life, mine.

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