About Iran

“What happens in Iran is not going to be because of what Obama says, or Rush Limbaugh or any other Joe S**t the Ragman who might or might not have the voice of Americans.”

Here are my two cents on the Iran situation. The estimation of my opinion’s worth is most likely inflated at that but here goes.

I haven’t had much use for the Iranian government since the revolution 30 years ago during which more than a few dozen American citizens were held hostage for an entirely too long period of time. This Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president who it seems got millions of votes last week for reelection out of nowhere, is quite simply a jackass.

Millions of Iranian citizens appear to want real change, and even their own version of freedom and democracy. It is less than clear that the leading opposition candidate, Mir Hossein Moussavi, is the George Washington of a new Iran. From what I read and hear it does seem he might be the best hope for those craving a new Iran. But my guess is that most Americans are like me and can possess no more than a gut feeling.

Our own opposition party in the United States, it should be remembered, wants nothing more than to kick Barack Obama and the Democratic party until they can’t function without leaving any visible bruises. Perhaps some of the leaders of Republican party who criticize Obama at every turn in the Iranaian crisis and every other matter in which the president is involved are as sincere as their rhetoric. Unfortunately, GOP leaders don’t have much of a track record since the last election to prove that theirs is anything but a cynical attempt to damage the Obama administration which has been quite consistently kicking the Republicans’ asses in the realm of public opinion.

Today, Obama’s language became a little stronger against the current Iranian regime. I think he should maintain the careful course that he has traveled since this crisis began. It does no good for the administration play into the hands of a fool for a leader of a country (Iran for those of you who might get confused too easily) that could either be a dangerous enemy or once again a valuable ally.

What happens in Iran is not going to be because of what Obama says, or Rush Limbaugh or any other Joe S**t the Ragman who might or might not have the voice of Americans. Only the Iranians can be masters of their own destiny.