Aching like lickety-split

It is rather amazing how much one can bend and bang up their body while still not breaking or tearing anything apart. I say this after mopping the bathroom floor yesterday and realizing too late that the floor had not sufficiently dried. This resulted in a split. One leg went that a-way while the other went this away.

I would have gotten up on a pair of crutches I have from a previous injury but it would hurt me way too much to get on the crutches, not to mention having to walk on them.

Today I have aches I haven’t had in years or never had. Both sides of my butt feel like the last time I rode a horse.  Gosh dawg I’m glad I never played organized football.  I suppose I’m accident prone, or I’m getting that way in my old age. Chi — huahua!

Thus I am taking a break to let my fingers and wrists and arms and shoulders and back and butt and feet and who knows what all, have a little recovery.