Always an attractive backdrop

President Bush talks to his new Video Army

Anytime President GW goes anywhere it creates quite a to-do. Of course, there are airspace restrictions, buildings have to be checked for bombs and people in the vicinity are screened to ensure they are not wearing attire that criticizes the president.

At the same time, the White House has found crowds of military men and women very receptive to his speeches. And why not? They have to support the commander-in-chief even if he is as loony as a March hare. Remember “Mission Accomplished” or Bush speaking to soldiers at Fort Hood or his speaking to more soldiers at Fort Bragg?

Bearing in mind the tulmult when GW travels and his success in using military personnel for his personal backdrop, the White House has created Bush’s very own Video Army. From now on, Bush will forego making trips to drab military bases or aircraft carriers but can still have a good-looking backdrop of soldiers at his every whim.

When GW speaks about Iraq, he will have his Video Army there to back him up. Harriet Miers? The Video Army is 120 percent behind the commander-in-chief. Social security? Anything the president says the Video Army stands behind.

The video soldiers may also lessen the need for back-breaking detail from senior members of his staff such as Karl Rove. That’s just in case Karl has other commitments in the future.

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