Navy landing craft such as the one pictured are among the three larger ships headed from Virginia to the Gulf of Mexico to assist with disaster recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Meanwhile, Interstate 10 which is only 7 or so blocks from where I live, should be getting pretty busy later. About 25,000 refugees from New Orleans are being bused to Texas. The primary shelter is the Astrodome in Houston, although I understand Jefferson County and Texas state officials are discussing the possibility of housing longer-term refugees here in Beaumont at Ford Park. Speaking of, I hope the 1,000 or more refugees at Ford Park and others to come like country music. The free Labor Day concert which is actually Sunday evening at Ford Park will be going on as planned. Beaumont-area natives Clay Walker, Mark Chestnut and Zona Jones will be performing.
Refugees from Louisiana, Mississippi and, I imagine, Alabama are scattered all over Southeast Texas as well as throughout other parts of the state. I read where a shelter is being set up at a church in Waco, which is about a 5 1/2-hour drive northwest from the state line on I-10.
Information on Southeast Texas relief efforts for those hit by Katrina, including needs of local shelters, can be found on KFDM-TV Channel 6’s Web site.