It seems Bill Clinton is coming back to our fair town — Beaumont, Texas — sometime this weekend. His visit comes about a week or so after he stopped here to campaign for Hillary at a Mexican restaurant as well as hold a rally downtown. I suspect he’s coming back for more Mexican food although I could be wrong.
Of course, Barack Obama, or as I like to say, that famous Irish tenor Barack O’Bama of County Cork, was here yesterday holding a town meeting.
It is unusual for us here in Southeast Texas and Texas in general to get the attention of national presidential candidates. Someone said the last time a presidential candidate of any magnitude visited here was almost 30 years ago. I don’t know if that’s a fact or who it was if so. But after years of Texas being a rubber stamp for GOP presidential candidates (whose names are Bush), it feels good being appreciated.
Speaking of appreciate, I am off this afternoon and plan to do nothing more strenuous than lift and turn pages of a book. I hope all who sees this, both of you, have a great weekend.