It was fortunate for me that my old J-school chum Paul is an early riser since we we working on my new blog site Saturday night via Facebook chat. That is because Paul is in Japan and I am in Southeast Texas. And I guess that technically means that Paul wasn’t working on my new blog site on Saturday night. Ohh. I’m so confused!
Anyway, I am almost to the point where I am ready to switch to WordPress even though there will still be some rough patches along the way. The contents are kind of bare for now on the new site but it is easy to find since the URL will be This information, I pass along for those friends of mine who like to check in from time-to-time. It’s not like I am going to be giving away prizes for those who visit my site although I suppose I could give the 1,000th page viewer a box of rocks. That would happen, when, sometime next Spring maybe?