Bob Novack smells of lawsuits

It’s a rainy Wednesday in B-town. (Beaumont, Texas and I know of no one who calls it B-Town) We are getting a “beneficial” effect of Hurricane Dolly while the folks in the Rio Grande Valley are getting an overabundance.

“Beneficial” has become quite the buzz word lately in everything from rainfall to cow manure. I don’t know when that happened, meaning the birth of that particular buzz word. I suppose I am guilty as the rest of using buzz words but I like to ridicule them too. But then some people think I am a narcissist.

Speaking of narcissist, check out the NY Daily News story here about conservative hack Bob Novack running over a D.C. pedestrian. I don’t see much humor in that as in, well, just sadness and I am sure the pedestrian didn’t see any humor in that. I guess that would make him a pedestrian pedestrian.

1. lacking wit or imagination; “a pedestrian movie plot”
1. a person who travels by foot

Just shoot me.

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