Thibodeaux, Fontenot, the place is buzzing … But we’re not wasting time

Once I had this teacher who had a jihad on wasting time. Boy, uh uh, no, did she not like wasting time. She had her good points and her bad points as a teacher, but if you took time to catch your breath she’d claim that it was a breath wasted. On the last day of school I put a bumper sticker on her car — this was in the early 70s now — that read: “Honk if you smoke pot.” Later that day I saw her car parked in front of a store on the courthouse square of our little town. I noticed the sticker was still there. I wonder where she was when she, or someone else, discovered the little prank? I also wonder if she cussed? I never heard her cuss before. Nevertheless, by putting the bumper sticker on her car, I feel as if I did something constructive. I certainly wasn’t wasting time.

That was a long way of saying I wasted a bunch of time this afternoon reading Cajun jokes. On the other hand, I feel as if I was continuing my cultural awareness of the Cajun-French. I live in Southeast Texas but a bunch of Cajuns live here. Some even consider this part of Acadiana. Others call it “Cajun Texas.” Here is a joke I found that takes place where I live, in Beaumont:

Boudreau and Thibodaux are walking down the street in Beaumont, right over the Louisiana line in Texas , and they see a sign on a store which reads:

  Suits $5.00 each!      Shirts $2.00 each     Pants $2.50 each

Boudreau say to his pal, “Look here, Thib, we could buy a whole mess of these linge there, take ’em back to Lafayette, sell ’em to our friends in the bayou, and make a fortune.  Just let me do the talkin.’ They hear your accent, they might think we’re ignorant Cajuns, and won’t wanna sell that stuff.  Jes watch now. I’ll talk real smooth so’s they think we is from Lufkin or somewheres else over here in Texas .”

They go in and Boudreau says with his best fake sophisticated Texas accent, “I’ll  take 50 of them suits at $5.00 each, 100 of them there shirts at $2.00 each, 50 pairs of them there pants at $2.50 each.  I’ll back up my pickup and…”

The owner of the shop interrupts. “Ya’ll Cajuns are from over by Mamou, New Iberia or somewheres, aren’t you?”

“Well…yeah,” says a surprised Boudreau. “How come you knowed that?”

“Because this is a dry cleaners.”

For perfect irony, shouldn’t Michaele Salahi have run off with Mott the Hoople?

Here it is late Friday afternoon and I am falling down on the job. What job, you may ask? Good question. I don’t really get paid, or paid next to less than nothing, at least, for writing this. I am not really falling down either. Not yet. I might be later. I made another quick trip to and from Houston. This 160-180-mile roundtrip didn’t take me as long as the last one on Wednesday. And all I got was a stinkin’ ID card. But who cares, right?

Actually I have been trying to pitch a story or find a place to pitch a story since getting home from work. My long-time, big-city customer has become uber-local and it is much more difficult to sell that paper a story as a stringer as it used to be. I don’t take it personally though. The publication has long been a good customer and whenever they do need something, so far away from their readership base, in my area, they know they can count on me.

I hope folks have a great weekend and stay safe and don’t do anything stupid. I mean, I’m not saying anyone who reads this would do anything stupid, except, perhaps me.

Don’t run off with any rock stars either. Hey Tareq Salahi, seems like yo’ woman was “All the way to Memphis.