That didn’t take long

One of a few potential Republican Texas lieutenant governor candidates declared that she opposes abortion after another possible Lite Gov candidate called her out on the matter.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples said in a letter to State Comptroller Susan Combs that her position on abortion was unclear after Combs allegedly: ” … asked pro-life leaders to not oppose your candidacy for Comptroller because you stated it is a “non-policy office” thus your pro-choice stance and defense of Roe vs. Wade would not be a factor.”

Baseball legend Nolan Ryan, left, is statewide chair for Texas Ag Comm. Todd Staples' campaign for Lt. Gov. Too bad. But we still love ya, Nolan.

The dust-up of the two GOP rising stars was covered by Texas Tribune‘s Ross Ramsey as was the news that Combs had switched her position on Roe vs. Wade.

“Combs said flatly that she has changed her position on the abortion issue, moving from a “pro-choice, but not pro-abortion” position to opposition to abortions. “I’m unequivocal about it. I was wrong,” she said.”

No word has surfaced yet from the non-profit news site, headed by former Texas Monthly editor Evan Smith, as to whether the present governor will throw his unused hat in the ring for the GOP presidential race. Although the Trib’s stance has seemed pretty unbiased about Gov. Rick “Good Hair” Perry and a possible presidential race, it seems for all the world like the Austin-based and Austin-centric Website would love to see Perry run for the White House. Whether that is to get rid of Good Hair as the state’s longest-serving governor like many of us Texans would like to see or because it would give the journalists perceived access to another Texas president as some Texas journalists imagined during the Gee Dubya “Shrub” Bush tenure is unknown.

Texas Comptroller and possible GOP Lt. Gov. candidate Susan Combs, a big, tall, drink o' water of a gal. If she announces for Lite Gov. her slogan will be: Combs: Taller than most Hispanic men!

No words of speculation have been flying around a possible Texas governor’s race next time around. Could it be President Perry or Governor-for-Life Good Hair? God, I hope not. Even with Shrub as president or governor did I ever imagine this, but either of those choices with Perry? I might just have to move from my beloved U.S. of A. in the event of the first possible catastrophe and flee my even more loved Texas should the latter take please. Let’s don’t even think about the two right now as I didn’t sleep well as it was last night.

You will like this story, or else!

It has been a long day and a long week as I wrap up a ton of work left to me because someone has to do it. But Sunday it’s off to sunny, and no doubt hotter’n’Hell San Antone (Yes I know it’s spelled San Antonio, jerk) for a week of union-related training.

So being tired and expecting another uber-full day tomorrow I thought I’d pass along a story that perhaps will make you feel better as it did me. Or maybe not. Apparently this story from Yahoo generated a bunch of comments including negative ones because so many of the comments written today on stories posted on the Internet are written by angry, self-absorbed losers who lost that lovin’ feeling so long ago that it no longer exists.

I hope you like this story about a boy named Ian. If you don’t tough s**t!

A note or two for the day

Just a note or two on the headlines.

First, it’s raining, but just a little bit. Just a little bit here and there and a lot there and here. That’s the way things go down here on the coast in the summertime, when as Mungo Jerry sang: “… and the weather is high, you can stretch right up and touch the sky.” Then, something, something about having women on your mind. It’s probably because of those little bikinis and thongs. Oh my goodness. Some folks get weirded out about a 55-year-old man talking about things like bikinis and thongs. Grow the f**k up, Junior!

But it looks like we will just get rains in fits and spurts like always until that tropical storm comes along and sits off the coast for a few days. We can only wish. The fits and spurts have made some progress here on the Upper Texas Coast though. We’ve had some pretty significant downpours. I’m sure you are interested in our weather here. Sorry, I’ve tried writing about other matters and came up short.

The Independent of London reports the death of Sean Hoare, the whistleblower of the News Corp scandal is not suspicious, according to British investigators. Hmmm. Coming on the heels of the Murdoch media empire tumbling down, the death of the whistleblower who made it all happens isn’t suspicious? Why it is to me.

An editorial in The Wall Street Journal, one of the News Corp properties in the U.S. along with Fox “Faux” News, says the liberal media and critics of Murdoch have just been piling on. When all else fails, blame it on the liberal media. Personally, it wouldn’t hurt me one iota to see Fox News tank. I have said and I continue to say that Fox News is nothing more than a propaganda tool for the right wing.  And yes, I include their news operation, especially their news operation. They should know better.

Finally, here is hoping a new, good and fair collective bargaining agreement gets approved by the NFL players. Yeah, the players make millions. They deserve it for a four or five year career that can leave them crippled for life with traumatic arthritis and brain damage. It’s their fault though, right? Well, yes, or their parents or coaches or teachers or school board or television or Wheaties or the Punt, Pass and Kick program or the late Dandy Don Meredith. They shouted out, “who killed the Kennedys, when after all, it was you and me,” ah “Sympathy For The Devil” a Rolling Stones classic. I can still see Mick Jagger way down there on the floor of the Louisiana Superdome singing/shouting “Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name … ” It’s a great song. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Have a good rest of the day.

Shoot! The Muffler Men done took over our state bowl game

This afternoon I am a bit on the tired side. Going back to work after more than a couple of days off — I had four in a row — is hard to do. As much as I try not to face it, I am busier than scientists studying cats flying backwards. Yeah, give me a “Huh?” It is one of my busy times of the year at work, I haven’t stopped to look at my schedule for too long because it keeps changing but it looks like I will be working every day for the next three weeks. That isn’t to say I will work a full day every day, but still, work is work when you get right down to it.

Personally, I’d like a job naming college football bowl games. Like the latest, “The Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas.” Yes, dear friends and neighbors, that is what the Texas Bowl — I didn’t even know there was one until this past football season although its been played since 2006 in Houston which is about 80 miles away from where I live — will be called.

Meineke, isn’t that a chain of muffler shops?  Maybe the world’s largest muffler will be on display at half-time on the 50 yard line. I’m sure the world’s largest muffler is somewhere. Let me see. Well, I didn’t find the world’s largest on my first pass o’er ye ol’ Internet. Now I will be up all night looking, searching for that elusive largest muffler in the world.

Nevertheless, Meineke started out in the muffler business in 1972 and since the early 2000s the company has evolved into a full-blown “car care” service with 900 franchise stores worldwide. And they apparently forked over a world’s largest muffler full of moo-lah to have this bowl game named after them. Glasspacks anyone?

I wouldn’t mind it so much if it was the Jacksonville (Texas) Bill Day Tire Center Tomato Bowl or the Baptist Church Branch Davidian Bowl in Waco being named, well, maybe the Waco thing is a little over the top. But the Texas Bowl? Have a little bit o’ respect for your state, son! I mean, I’m not one of those secessionist like our good-haired governor. But Texas deserves a certain amount of reverence, at least if you use the name for a football contest. Why there is nothing more important in the world than guns and football in Texas. I am surprised no one has thought to playing football while armed to the teeth.

The quarterback could take out that linebacker real easy with a Glock 22, which offers 15-rounds of .40-caliber love that will make the defense think twice about crossing the line of scrimmage. Can you say, center mass? Hey, Gov. Goodhair and his band o’ Merry Men known as the Republican Texas Legislature, wants to arm college students. So it is just simple evolution, oops, that’s not discussed on college campuses in Texas anymore, it is just the natural order of things. It’s just intelligent design. That’s kind of a funny phrase when you pair it with football. Not that football players are less than intelligent. I mean, there is Terry Bradshaw after all.

Of new computers, underdogs and women’s hoops

Ah, t’is good to be back “online.” My new computer is here, up and running. There is something alluring about a new computer that is not unlike a new car. Or maybe it has just been too very long since I had a new automobile. Eleven years is a lifetime for not buying a new car, at least for me. Of course, this HP is only my second new computer, laptop, notebook, whatchamacallit. I suppose people have a need for a desktop, and although I have an old desktop in storage, I don’t need it. I just don’t think I need anything smaller than this. I have one of those “flip-open” phones with unlimited text. So far, unlimited text just seems like some other electronic wonder I don’t need.

Well, I’m sure no one wants to hear me ruminating (isn’t that something cows do?) on my new laptop.  How about a minute or two of sports.

But, but, but, the Butler did it

I mentioned awhile back that I didn’t plan to watch any of the Final Four unless some of the lowest seeded teams ended up playing. How about 8 and 11? How low can you go? The semi-final between Butler and Virginia Commonwealth was a battle of the midgets but a great game nonetheless. I will watch Butler play UConn for the final, some, tonight. I really hope Butler wins but I won’t jump from any of the high bridges in Southeast Texas if they don’t.

As much as I have been into sports talk radio lately — and believe me I really don’t listen to it very much while in between field work — it gets old hearing constant cheering for Connecticut by most of the sports talk people. As I have mentioned before, the sporta talk folks like the best teams, I get that. They want to win when they put up dollars on sports bets. I get that. They just don’t seem to have any true love when it comes to sports.  The kind of love that makes you root for people like Jim Morris, the small-town West Texas baseball coach turned major-league pitcher, as portrayed by Dennis Quaid in “The Rookie.”

These sports radio shows completely ignore women’s sports. It is as if Title IX was the name of a Scotch single malt whiskey. I probably won’t watch all of the women’s Final Four tomorrow night either but I will tune in and out to see how the Aggie women are doing against Notre Dame. If I could not find any other reason than the several I have to wish Texas A & M well it would be for their coach Gary Blair.

Gary Blair. Only the Fighting Irish Women stand in his Lady Aggies' way.

Blair coached eight seasons at my alma mater, Stephen F. Austin, and took the Ladyjacks to six NCAA tournaments. I don’t know about these days but the Ladyjacks were it back in Blair’s day. Why even before Blair they were hot enough to bounce the Stray Cats — when the rockabilly group was popular in the 80s — from a scheduled performance at the SFA coliseum because the Ladyjacks needed to practice for an NCAA playoff. That still sticks in my craw a might. All of that aside, I used to Blair quite often where I worked. We’d say howdy to each other although we weren’t closer than that. Still, Gary Blair impressed me as a very likable, laid-back guy who just happened to be one of those big names in coaching women’s collegiate basketball. That is even though women’s basketball doesn’t exist in the macho world of sports-talk radio.

Oh well, I only like to listen to sports talk every now and then. It’s certainly not a religion.

Onward and upward.