Congrats to our favorite model: Stevi Perry

Stevi Perry is the only model/pageant winner sanctioned by this blog. But don’t hold that against her.

While EFD, this blog, is hardly one of the best-read publications in the Pheresblog (that’s Blogosphere backwards, sort of), it does seem, according to my StatCounter statistics, to be a resource for all those people seeking news about gorgeous Arkansas teen model Stevi Perry.

Stevi, 17, is a working model who has scored some successes in national contests, the latest being named 2008 Miss Arkansas Teen USA. This most recent news is from the place I first heard about Stevi, the Ashley County Ledger in Hamburg, Ark., a small-town publication much like one I ran during my first stop during a two-decade career in newspapers. Had it not been for proud mom, Kelli Perry, who did a search for her daughter’s name on the Web, and after seeing a post here on EFD e-mailed me, I most likely would not have written anything about Stevi. I have since corresponded with Kelli and perhaps EFD might even have an interview with Stevi sometime in the future.

We, being the weird former newspaper reporter who sadly refers to himself in third person, wish Stevi the best of success in both this new year and her career.

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