The Earth has been known to eat its own but things are getting out of hand. A mere 30 miles west of where I sit is a large sinkhole that threatens to devour the entire city of Daisetta, Texas, and perhaps will swallow up Houston if we’re real lucky.
The local daily catches the excitement of the hungry phenom with this comment:
“We haven’t had this much excitement since that lady down the street killed her grandson,” Paula Collins told The (Beaumont, Texas) Enterprise, referring to a murder that happened two years ago not far from where police cruisers again are assembled en masse, this time enforcing a barricade.”
Personally, I would have liked better a quote saying: “We haven’t had this much excitement since the hogs ate little brother.” All of which reminds me of a quaint saying that I heard this morning which I hadn’t heard in years while watching The Beverly Hillbillies. Granny told the fetching Ellie May to do something and she asked: “What fer?” Granny replied: “Cat’s fur to make kitten britches.” All of which has nothing at all to do with the growing sinkhole of Daisetta.
The biggest question I have other than what to eat tonight is what will they do with the sinkhole once, and if, it stops growing? Perhaps it can be used for a subterranean kitten britches factory. Or maybe it will remain just a big, deep hole. Either way, if it eats Houston it will have the gratitude of a lot of people. Although I will miss the Astrodome.