Did Bishop Lekganyane bring the rain?

For those of us who live in the U.S. it is sometimes hard to think about what goes on in other parts of the world not dominated by President Bush or Denny Hastert or Jennifer Anniston. Take Botswana for example.

Botswana in southern Africa happens to need rain right now. Bishop Barnabus Lekganyane, who has some 6 million followers in the Zionist Christian Church in southern Africa visited Gaborone, capital of Botswana, last week just to make it rain. Well, Lekganyane had a much wider agenda that included tackling the AIDS epidemic there. But although some rain had been forecast during the past weekend, Lekganyane’s faithful insisted he made it rain, according to Botswana’s Mmegi Online.

“They insist the rains came immediately the ZCC brass band stopped playing on Saturday night at the National Stadium. The rains went on to Sunday and stopped just before the prayers could start. Some followers believed that it would rain after Lekganyane had finished his sermon. But nothing of the sort happened.”

Still, a top Gaborone official proclaimed the rain as a miracle if that is indeed what it was.

“The deputy Gaborone mayor, Ezekiel Dube supported the Master of Ceremony and said at the Saturday rainfall and today’s rainfall ‘has put the debates to an end. Now we know that ZCC led by its Bishop has prayed and their prayers have been answered.'”

Who is to say whether the bishop made it rained or whether some good weather forecasting had taken place? Rain is rain is rain. And apparently they needed the rain.

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