A lot more visitors have clicked on to eight feet deep than normal because of Hurricane Katrina. For those seven or eight people who regularly read this blog (oh, well, yes I guess I am flattering myself, sorry), I think they know why I am in serious type mode for so long. That is because the people of the Gulf Coast, especially the Mississippi Gulf Coast, mean a lot to me. Also, as chaotic and rambunctious and downright dangerous that New Orleans normally is, it still has a special place in my heart.
I don’t know if I am doing any good for those who are seeking any kind of news they can find about what’s going on post-Katrina. But I hope their visit isn’t a total loss.
I did talk to my friend who lives in New Orleans last night. She was at her mom’s near Houston. She and her husband are fine. Their apartment and all their belongings are in the deep. But those are just things.
Unfortunately, I found I had lost the cell number for my longtime friends Dave and Betti Martin who reside in the 2300 block of 30th Street in Gulfport, Mississippi. Hopefully, they are staying in their “tipi” up the country from there. I know they aren’t “Internet” people, but if by some strange chance anyone who knows them sees this and can shine a light on things, send me an e-mail at the address just above the Saline Soldier.