You may say many things good and bad about my home state of Texas. But you can never say that capitalism isn’t alive and well in the Lone Star State. My proof is this ad I saw on Houston’s Craigslist:
“TEXAS flag bikini resembles the great TEXAS state flag.
All sizes available.”
It is hard to imagine that William B. Travis, Jim Bowie or Davy Crockett — before being overrun at the Alamo — would have envisioned women running around in skimpy particles of the Texas flag. Then again, who knows what ones sees when violent death is imminent. You hear about your life flashing before you. I mean, seeing bikini-clad women wearing the flag of the adopted homeland you are about to be killed for probably wouldn’t be the worst, last thing to see.
Now I am sure there are people who vehemently disagree with the selling of what might be provocative articles of clothing that resemble our state’s flag. Flags — especially the U.S. flag — seem to hit a lot of nerve endings as if these symbols were desecrated every 10 seconds. You kind of expect to see Sally Struthers looking out at you with sad eyes on the TV screen asking you to send money and save a flag. Then there is that whole rebel flag controversy. Our people sure get worked up over symbols.
I don’t know what one is supposed to think if they are a red-blooded Texan about Texas flag bikinis. But this red-blooded Texan doesn’t think it’s traitorous or disrespectful or disgusting depending on, of course, who is wearing the Lone Star as a bikini. Because you know not everyone can pull off wearing a bikini. Leslie Cochran, who hangs out around Sixth and Congress in Austin, comes to mind.
So I just ask my fellow Texans to be as accepting and open-minded as they usually are and … Okay, I just ask my fellow Texans not to make a big fuss over Texas flag bikinis. But Leslie really shouldn’t wear one.