Winner of this week’s “Stupid Is As Stupid Does Award” goes to former major league pitcher and U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky.
On Saturday Bunning went above and beyond the threshold of stupidity when he callously declared during a speech that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would not recover from pancreatic cancer.
“Even though she was operated on, usually, nine months is the longest that anybody would live,” he said.
Bunning made those remarks during a GOP dinner in Kentucky saying he supported conservative judges and that “would be in place soon” because Ginsburg had cancer. The Baseball Hall of Fame member who spent 15 years in the majors and whose accomplishments included throwing a perfect game apologized today, saying he was glad Ginsburg was back to work and hopes she recovers soon.
Such statements make one wonder if Bunning might have given hitters seminars on getting beaned during his years as a pitcher. Never mind the fact that chances for recovery from pancreatic cancer are often dismal or whatever other excuse one might want to give for such an outrageous utterance. Also, ridiculous is the thought conservative judges will fill the Supreme Court anytime soon. Sen. Bunning, do you happen to remember who won the presidential election in November and who now controls Congress?
What Bunning, 77, said was just beyond the bounds of decency and a total lack of good manners.
It is no surprise that Kentucky GOPers are trying to push Bunning out of a 2010 run for re-election. What a putz.