From our (sort of) international desk

Num Perc. Country Name

63 80.77% United States United States

3 3.85% Canada Canada

3 3.85% Russian Federation Russian Federation

2 2.56% Sweden Sweden

1 1.28% Argentina Argentina

1 1.28% Singapore Singapore

1 1.28% Hong Kong Hong Kong

1 1.28% Israel Israel

1 1.28% Netherlands Netherlands
1 1.28% Australia Australia
1 1.28% United Kingdom United Kingdom

As you might notice from what is now two posts, I am stretching out a bit with format and appearance, insofar as the text area of the blog goes. This is carried out through Google Docs and if I learn how to use it to my maximum advantage then I could possibly make the blog look better. I’m sorry though, I can’t do anything about the writing.

In the photo above are statistics and graphics from my StatCounter page which shows from which countries the last 100 visitors to EFD hail and what percentage that is of the total visitors for the period of time, which is about 48 hours. As you may notice, I’m not burning up the blogosverse but some of the flags are pretty cool.

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