I'm. On. Vacation. Leave. This. Week.

Alas. I like using the word “alas.” It reminds of the words “a lass.” Or so I guess.

But alas, I find myself wide awake at 8:06 a.m. on the first day of my first vacation of the year. Actually, it’s called “leave” in the gubmint, the same as we called vacation in the Navy.

My morning starts off with my monthly medication visit to the “doctor” at the VA Clinic. Then laundry. Then pay a bill. Then I’m off to Nacogdoches. That is in Texas. It’s actually the oldest town in Texas although a place outside El Paso claims to also be the oldest. Since I spent the golden years of my young adulthood in Nacogdoches, I vote for it.

This is where I'll be staying in Nacogdoches. (Just kidding)

The last few days have been kind of hectic. I think I had something go wrong with my computer, my phone and bank account all within a span of 24 hours. Dell finally threw in the towel. They had enough of my complaining and having them send a technician to fix it. They are going to replace my computer in “seven to 21 days.” Whatever. I finally screamed in CAPITAL LETTERS on a bank chat site yesterday which enabled me to access my money again. As for my phone, it won’t let me use speaker phone but only, it seems, with Dell. Whatever.

On a personal note — as if the copy I have used to fill my blog this morning in has not been personal — my brother is in the hospital in Houston facing open heart surgery later this week at Methodist Hospital. If he is using his laptop and sees this: Hey Brother, hang in there. Get well soon! I will see you later this week.

I suppose I should get ready for my trip to the VA. More later. Perhaps today from Nacogdoches and if not tomorrow from Nacogdoches. And sorry for the sentence. Fragments. It’s a bad habit that hits me every now and then. Blame it on Facebook. Or laziness. But alas, I’m on vacationleave.

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