It has to be me …

Well, the secret is finally out. A survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project has revealed that only 1-in-10 bloggers concentrate their sites on politics.

The study went on to say that 2-of-14 bloggers devote their sites to hotdogs while strangely only less than 1/1000 of 1 percent say they blog regularly about mannequins who have very vain but imaginary conversations.

“We don’t attract as much attention as Drudge or Kos or any of the big boys who are into politics,” said Gilroy P. Murdapple, a Maytag repairman by day and blogger about mannequins at night. “Yet we have a very devoted fan base, although many of those who e-mail we later find out are in prison.”

Behind blog sites about kitty cats and post-partum depression in popularity were sites worshiping goats and a very devoted group of bloggers who are into Spandex.

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