It is wonderful having my laptop back and operational after some sort of problems with backlighting, or perhaps it had to have its dilithium crystals replaced. Who knows.
Sitting comfortably in Barnes and Noble (and yes, regrettably Starbucks)I am able to check some various sites on the computer that time had kept me from for awhile due to a lack of access to my own computer. No, I’m not talking about those kind of sites. Also, I checked all the links on my blogroll just now to make sure those Web places are still there. Many sites look different since I last saw them. Perhaps I should consider giving EFD a face lift after more than two years (and one hurricane)since I started this darn thing.
It, EFD the blog, is a darn thing. But as I have pointed out on a number of occasions, the blog is an outlet for me to exercise my craft as a writer. Sometimes the pieces fall in place and sometimes not. Even though I have been a)homeless and b)continue to be part-time government employee this year, I still consider my main occupation as being a freelance writer. Perhaps I could have struggled on to get more freelance gigs this year but a number of matters — like not having my own computer working and living in a motel room — have been minor hindrances.
Thus, I plan to seek more work as a writer now that my machine is fired up and actually works as it should. Sometime soon I must breakdown and get a wireless Internet plan, for paying $4 bucks for two hours at B & N or 8 cents a minute at the Internet cafe adds up. But that is another matter for another time.
Meanwhile I will beat the bushes for more work and then perhaps play with a little twine if a few minutes are mine to spare.