Keep watch for warrantless weasels

“I smell a rat,” said the Weasel.

The Bush Boys finally reversed course on their secret, warrantless wiretapping practices as an equally secret court will oversee the program.

Of course, the White House denies that this about face had anything to do with the testimony today of Attorney General Al “The Weasel” Gonzales before the now-Democratic-led Senate Judiciary Committee.

While the reversal may (or just as well may not) be good news for those who like the little nicities of the U.S. Constitution, bear in mind these traits of weasels as outlined by The Free Dictionary:

“Weasels are very active and chiefly terrestrial but are able to climb trees. They prey on small animals by night, often more than they eat, and spend the day in dens made in holes in the ground, rock piles, or hollow stumps. Although they are notorious for destruction of poultry, the damage they do is far outweighed by their value as destroyers of rodents.”

So folks should watch out at night for our friend the AG, not to mention looking up for him in the trees or in holes and stumps. By all means, keep your hens away from this destroyer of chickens and be sure to harbor any pet squirrels or other pet rats which you might fancy. Oh, and also keep your copy of the Constitution away from the likes of the Weasel lest he decides to feast upon it again rather than poultry or rodents.

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