Kudos, xylocaine, xylophone and far out, man

When I clicked over to this page I noticed the new photo and, what I call from my newspaper days, “flag” sitting at the top. This work was all accomplished by our IT Director Tokyo Paul in Tokyo. Give it up for Paul, he did a great job and I’m thinking of promoting him to Vice President for Technical Shit. I should have learned more about Word Press when I moved to it from Blogger. I eventually will.

Meanwhile, I got a shot in my knee today. It was Xylocaine which I think will eventually make me break into a music store and steal a xylophone that I will then start playing on downtown street corners for all kinds of cash money.

“Momma, did you see that man with the bloody Band Aid on his knee playing that xylophone?”

“Shut up, boy. Just keep on walking.”

When my primary care provider a.k.a. physician’s assistant gave me a shot, I started bleeding like a stuck pig beating a rented mule, to wildly mix my metaphors. It was like she hit a vein or something. Oh well, the knee does feel better. That was about all they could do for me at the VA since the PA said they wouldn’t let them order a MRI and the X-ray machine was broken. 10-4? PDQ. A lot of good an X-ray machine does when it’s broken.

Finally, oneĀ  of my favorite nut job GOP senatorial candidates, Sharron Angle, is apparently backtracking after calling the BP escrow fund to clean up the Gulf oil spill a “slush fund.” Damn, I wonder if the Republicans will have the ability to use their eyelids again after all that winking once the November election is over. We all know the Joe Barton comment was not an off-the-cuff remark. Why in the f**k is the media treating the whole matter like only Joe Barton feels the administration is shaking down BP? It’s crazy. “Way out, far out, man,” as first President George Bush once said about Al Gore.