Make way for Old Saying No. 22

It is astonishing that before this moment I hadn’t changed for almost 10 months the old sayings appearing below my blog title. This marks the 22nd time I have left different words of wisdom by others for all to see and I believe the late Adm. Stockdale’s quote is quite appropriate for the way I feel today.

Stockdale, whose Washington Post obit notes, is both a Medal of Honor recipient and a former vice presidential candidate for Ross Perot’s failed run. And as his final hurrah points out Stockdale came off rather goofy in the 1992 vice presidential candidate debate when he asked those rhetorical words I quote above.

But brainiacs often appear dumber than they really are while people who exude intelligence are many times in reality as stupid as a football bat. The late admiral was no dummy and the questions he ask are as timely as they are thoughtful. Especially today, as I mentioned because this has been one crappy day.

Ah, one might ask however, what is one crappy day amongst hundreds of days which are great, good or even mediocre? It’s one crappy day. That’s what it is. All of which points toward a moral: If you ask the right question, you get an answer if you are lucky.

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