This morning I called in sick for work, telling my supervisor that I didn’t sleep well because of my knee pain. Then, I later took in a Jason’s Deli “build your own” half-portion ham and cheddar on Telera with stone-ground mustard, lettuce, red onions and pickles. Well, I actually ordered Italian peppers but I got pickles instead. While I ate, who is the one person in all of Beaumont, Texas, in the Original Jason’s Deli in the Gateway shopping center, whom I would not expect to see? Ex squeeze? Like mistakes, I’ve made a few. Well, that one person was my supervisor who works in Dallas.
“You gotta eat,” said Brian. Yeah. That’s the thing about my job, part-time as it is, you never know where your supervisor will turn up. One week in Costa Rica, the next Dallas, the next … Brian was showing the new guy around on one of our collection tasks — not collection of taxes or monies owed. It’s all top secret, you see? Hush, hush. On the QT. WTF?
I joked when meeting that the new guy that I called in sick this morning and here I go running into the boss, except, I failed to make my point. I wasn’t running either. Bad knee. I stopped and pulled up a spare chair for a few minutes. It really doesn’t matter whether I am sick or not. That’s the beauty of having a CBA (collective bargaining agreement.) I usually tell Brian what’s wrong with me. I’m not the type to say “Nunya,” as in “Nunya f***ing business.” That would be rude and Brian is a genuinely nice guy. I might feel differently at some point in time. In fact, I have felt differently at points in time. I was definitely glad to see TNG (The New Guy.) I will also be happy to see TNG-ette (The New Guy-ette.)
The work situation here has been dismal at best for quite some times. Talk about revolving doors! People above my pay grade have been “down here” doing work of three people, formerly done most often by one.
Oh for those interested, or not, I finally yelled and screamed enough to the worker’s comp people who finally gave in and finally approved my knee arthroscopy. Leave it up to the surgical clinic to find a glitch to delay the surgery once more. Perhaps, the surgeon’s person said, Wednesday. She meant a week from tomorrow. Only, this all took place yesterday so, technically, my surgery to repair a medial and lateral meniscus tear in my right knee would come the earliest a week from Wednesday. Which is actually tomorrow. Yes, I am purposely fragging sentences. Boom went the basketball filled with dynamite! Rim shot. What the hell ever.
Are you unhappy with How I Met Your Mother ended? Ted’s wife died and his kids were all hot for their Dad to go out with Aunt Robin. Like we didn’t see that coming, Aunt Robin or no Aunt Robin. !Spoiler Alert! ¿Como se dice Spoiler Alert? I suppose this is an awkward place to place “Spoiler Alert.”
Did you know The Zombies hit “She’s Not There” was released in 1964? Actually, it was released in July 1964 so it is not quite 50 years old. Can you believe that? Colin Blunstone, cool as a dry martini on vocals. Rod Argent, who wrote the song, was barely visible on electronic keyboards. Electronic keyboards? 1964? Baroque rock or pop.
Colin Blunstone is one of my favorite singers of all time. Cool as a dry martini, like I said. He was the notable voice of The Zombies hits including “Time of the Season.” He has had a solo career and contributed to a number of popular works including several Alan Parsons Project records. What a great voice, that Blunstone bloke!
It’s kind of like rap, you see. You just throw down the words and they go rap, rap, rap. I’m talking about this post, not Colin Blunstone.
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