Something went awry with the turkey stew my significant other cooked last night so she is apparently trying it again. In the meantime, it is almost mid-afternoon and I am hungry once again, thus I think about those street vendors one would find up and down Magsaysay Drive in Olangapo, Philippines, when I visited there numerous times as a sailor back in the late 1970s.
Specifically, two meals on a stick could be easily found there. One was barbecued hot dog on a stick — kind of like a corn dog without the corn meal wrapping. The other stick meal was monkey on a stick, which tasted either like pork, chicken, frog or one of the Donner Party, depending upon how much you are into evolution.
Here is a monkey meat on a stick recipe I found. It is geared toward pork but if you happen to raise your monkeys to eat — you sick f**k — then I suppose you could substitute. I don’t know if there are any places in America you can get good monkey meat but I suppose if it was in Arkansas it would be served with a high heapin’ o’ cole slaw on top. Oh well, petit!