Mortal combat; Don't want to be a movie star; Free falling

I am locked in mortal combat with two state and one federal bureaucracy. While there are many hard-working folks with good intentions who work for the government, there are also many who seem to have no other purpose in life other than making your life a living Hell. This battle has really zapped my mental energy and so this is going to be a quick missive today.


A few minutes ago, I passed the Crockett Street Entertainment District in Beaumont, Texas, where news accounts say a movie is being made. I wasn’t available to quickly find a link to any story about it, but one of the TV news stations said yesterday that if you want to be an extra to show up at 1 p.m. I didn’t hear anything about money involved and movies do pay for extras sometimes. So I guess the show will have to go on with out me.


There was a wild happening yesterday on the Veterans Memorial Bridge, one of the two high bridges spanning the Sabine-Neches Ship Channel between Port Arthur and Orange. A man was apparently despondent and when police tried to stop him he fled. The driver drove onto the Veterans bridge, jumped out and over the side of the structure, going down some 100 or so feet. He survived, apparently without any major injury, after clinging to concrete pilings before being rescued. Maybe the diver has lately been locked in mortal combat with bureaucrats! The bridges are very popular for attempting to dive to your demise.

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