With high gasoline prices helping make for higher everything at least one important service to my area’s taxpayers will not falter. The Jefferson County (Texas) Mosquito Control District says they will not cut back on spraying for the biting devils despite increased prices in fuel, according to an article in our local Beaumont Enterprise.
When I first moved back here three years ago I was a little taken aback by the fast-moving, low-flying twin engine plane that delivers mosquito spray for the control district.
But knowing how this area is a magnet for mosquitoes and the fact that diseases like West Nile and malaria are no fun at all I am glad to see the mosquito plane and spray trucks especially after days such as those last week in which five inches of rain fell.
So knowing that the mosquito district is not cutting back definitely qualifies as good news. And that, of course, is better than bad news as well as being somewhat identical to no news at all. Is that crystal clear?