(Or, the equestrian view of Dick Cheney)
Wow. It is hard to imagine we are already up to OSRH No. 24. For those of you not familiar, this marks the occasion when the little quote below the EFD header is retired and this is the 24th such event. That is of little significance as is the fact that StatCounter has marked slightly more than 40,000 hits for this page when one considers the blog has been up and running for about four years. That’s an average of 10,000 hits a year and half of those are probably mine. It doesn’t mean anything though. Really.
Neither does the current “Dick Cheney Torture Tour.” A lot of speculation exists as to why he is out there talking wherever a microphone is available as well as whether it is hurting or helping the GOP or the Dems. Some pundits say the former vice president is trying to give his spin to leave the Bush-Cheney administration a more positive legacy. More positive than what? George W.’s dog probably doesn’t love him anymore and Cheney shot his best friend in the face with a shotgun.
Others say The Dick showing up everywhere and saying all the bad things about Obama and the Democrats helps to promote a more understanding jury pool should the former Veep be tried for war crimes. That’s a stretch. I don’t think he will be tried unless he decides to take a cruise to Barcelona. And say what you want about Cheney, he is certainly not stupid.
It is really insignificant in the larger realm what Dick Cheney does or does not do. He will be an Aaron Burr-like figure in American history rather than one such as a Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln although he does get a little more prominence because he appeared to be the puppet master pulling Gee Dubya’s strings whether he actually did so or not.
No, in the bigger picture, Dick Cheney will ride through this latest episode as he did in the earlier one as vice president, not as the great man on the horse but rather as the horse’s ass.