Party on dude

Barack N’ Roll. It appears President Obama likes to party every now and then. He had a midweek cocktail party which was bipartisan. He is having a Super Bowl party which will likewise be attended by those from both parties.

I think it’s high time the White House loosen up a little bit. I bet Gee Dubya was a funny drunk when he drank. Then he probably got more obnoxious the drunker he got. So, it was probably a good deal that he quit drinking. But he lacked the fine edge.

If Obama can throw a party and get a few folks from both parties to attend those parties, then maybe he can get something done. Or, that is, get something positive done. Just don’t let things get out of hand. You know, like letting some of his drunken guests get on the red phone to Moscow and ask the Russian leaders if they’ve got Prince Albert in a can.

Prince who??

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