Pop goes the weasel

Why is
this man

Despite the clouds of gloom that sometime darken my everyday dog-eat-dog world, times do exist in which the sun is shining and all seems right with the world. That days is here my friends.

If you are one of the regular readers of this blog (Suzie and Sally)then you will know that I have not been in love with Attorney General Alberto “VO-5” Gonzales. When I heard the news this morning that Gonzales is bailing the sinking ship of state, I almost wept with joy.

My annoyance, distaste, disapproval, dislike, pick one, of Gonzales does not just stem from the fact that he is a principal among the bad actors who have managed to dismantle the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But it is a big reason among others.

Although perhaps not as dangerous to civil liberties but just as unpleasant was how Gonzales presented himself. Certainly the attorney general was not a lovable figure whom you would want to hug or buy a beer. An example is how he sat before congressional hearings earlier this year with, at least what appeared to be, a perpetual smirk on his face while obfuscating until the cows came home. It made him come across like the archetypal weasel lawyer for whom all the lawyer jokes emanate.

However, deeds, or misdeeds, speak louder than looks. We may not know for a very long time or perhaps ever the extent that Gonzales jeopardized civil liberties in this country. Then again it might not be too long. We may be well aware of his damage when the cops come pulling you out of your home without a warrant.

But for now, Rove and Gonzales gone. Let’s party.

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