This is what you see after having too many green beers.
I realized why PR Newswire for Journalists is such a good resource after finding this nugget today:
LOS ANGELES, March 15 /PRNewswire/ — Los Angeles-based, the world-leader in Performance Web Hosting(TM), in a very unique effort to raise awareness to cervical cancer prevention, today announced the world’s first sponsorship of a gynecological visit for Shimmer, a long-time eBay celebrity from Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Shimmer will be riding to and from her gynecologist in a limo, will undergo a gynecological exam and will be promoting and cancer prevention throughout the day.
First of all, I have to say that I had no idea that eBay even had celebrities. Secondly, I am all for promoting women’s health especially in the prevention of cervical cancer. According to eMedicine Health, cervical cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related disease and death among women worldwide. But for a publicity stunt, I would say this is kind of over the top. But I report, you decide:
“Shimmer is not new to extreme marketing, as she has offered a range of unique promotional services on eBay in the past, attracting interest from customers such as Golden Palace Casino, and now During her visit to the doctor, she will be wearing a temporary tattoo of the logo on her chest, and will then hit the clubs handing out St. Patrick’s Day-themed t-shirts, hats and stickers and, of course, promoting the necessity for women over 18 to get tested frequently.”
I wonder what her gynecologist will say about the tattoo?
Is it just the fact that I am a man and don’t know about these things or is there really no logical connection between St. Patrick’s Day and a Pap Smear? It would seem St. Patrick’s Day would be a rather odd day to promote anything serious with all the people getting s**tfaced. It is all rather bizarre to me but bizarre is apparently’s marketing strategy:
“ is launching a wave of unique sponsorships and events such as a sponsored birth, and a tattooed human billboard under the banner of “Defying Gravity,” with the ultimate goal to launch at least one such special event in each of the 50 states.”
There really is no accounting for taste. What’s next, sponsoring a bris?