Talk show host takes a journey off the deep end

Although political discourse is getting to be rather tiresome being it a 24/7 activity it normally falls into what most people consider the realm of sanity. And then, there is Glenn Beck.

What is so unnerving about the Fox TV and talk-radio pundit is his slipping from a calm and reasoned demeanor into a rapid raving lunacy that makes Rush Limbaugh look like Beaver Cleaver. Beck’s most recent spark of madness is his claim that FEMA is building concentration camps for an Obama totalitarian rule.

There could be one little grain of sand that gives Beck this over-the-edge right-wing thought but it is geological time away from Big Brother Obama throwing all of us into camps.

Apparently some of the money FEMA has owed states from disasters such as Texas following Hurricane Ike last September is finally being paid back. FEMA sent some $60 million to Texas for what the government owed after Ike and some of the money will supposedly go toward needed facilities such as ambulance staging areas and shelters for hurricane evacuees which hopefully will be located a safe distance from the coast. Our great, good-haired GOP Gov. Rick Perry, who refused some of the federal economic stimulus money for unemployment, thankfully has no problem with these funds. But nothing is mentioned about funds for concentration camps. Sorry Glenn.

My understanding is the hurricane shelters will help alleviate evacuees being spread over Hell and Half of East Texas as they were during Ike. I recently read that some local officials in places such as Lufkin, about two hours north of the Texas coast, are happy about money being made available for large central facilities to house evacuees as they were forced to stay wherever a space was available be it a school, church, public building or whatever.

I firmly believe that if Mr. Glenn Beck knew the folks up in the East Texas Pineywoods as well as I do, he wouldn’t have to worry about the federal government fencing in these shelters for instant concentration camps. Folks in that neck of the woods view the Second Amendment as a firm right to bear arms. So, as far as Texas is concerned Mr. Beck, you needn’t worry about concentration camps being built.

I do strongly suggest though that Beck look into Prozac or some other pharmaceutical wonder available from his shrink. And if he doesn’t have a shrink, perhaps now is a good time to get one.

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