The key to a less-than-swell afternoon

About an hour of my afternoon was pretty much shot today after locking my keys inside my truck. All had rolled along pretty good, or so I thought, until I got back to my office and had that sickening feeling just as I shut the door that my keys were inside.

Ah but no worry. I had a spare made after the last time I did this and stuck it inside my wallet. Inside my wallet. It was supposed to be inside my wallet. Where was the damn thing? There were two other keys in my wallet that I have no earthly idea what they opened, if anything. But a spare pickup door key, not to be confused with my pickup ignition key, was nowhere to be found.

Finally I decided to call the good ol’ locksmith. He said that he could be there in about 15 minutes and he was pretty close on the money. Speaking of money, it took him about a minute to open my door. He made me another spare key on the spot (ignition it turned out) in about another minute and within two minutes had earned himself $30. That’s not bad for him. It also isn’t that bad for me. My door was opened and now I have my keys. Thirty dollars is not a terrible amount of money either although when one is four days or so from payday, it’s more than I would have liked to shell out.

But I have my keys. I learned a valuable lesson — keep your head out of your ass. Live (frugally) and learn.

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