The mighty falls again. Oil rises again. So what's new?

“You know the sheriff’s got his problems too/And he will surely take them out on you … “ “Mohammed’s Radio” by Warren Zevon.

It’s an all too familiar story. Man rises to position of prominence. Finds a woman who is not his wife. Does things. Gets caught. When the man of power is one of righteousness, self or otherwise, such as New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, then what would be an ordinary tale of womanizing becomes a full-blown scandal.

Why does the problem that befell the so-called “Sheriff of Wall Street,” a.k.a. Gov. Spitzer, keep happening over and over? Bill Clinton probably couldn’t tell you or even Sen. Larry Craig. Experts have their theories. But maybe the reason is as old as humanity and one of the major topics among country-western songs along with trains, Momma and getting drunk.

The Spitzer story is even more sensational because he is governor of the Capital of the World — the state containing New York City. (“New York City? Get a rope.” Sorry, inside joke if you ever saw a Pace picante sauce commercial on TV.)

So, yes oil hit more than $109 per barrel today and no doubt has a little to do with gas prices of more than $3 per gallon (I paid $3.099 for the first time in my life today). Common sense tells you that is fueling runaway inflation and if we’re not already in a recession then maybe we’re headed for a depression. Sigh!

But seeing the mighty fall is what the public likes. They want to chop Eliot down to size. Let them eat oil cakes.

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