The night's news round-up

Sometimes I like to cast my lazy eye toward news in the places we don’t often hear from. You can learn a lot by doing that such as this VOTER FRAUD ALERT!!! courtesy of The Stowe Reporter in Stowe, Vt. It seems plans to renovate the Akeley Memorial building — a city office building from best I can tell — failed by a suspicious two votes.

“I a’m very discouraged this morning because obviously the election has been compromised,” Town Clerk Alison Kaiser said Wednesday.

Apparently someone is either bad with math there or someone is up to some shenanigans.

“Election workers checked and rechecked, but came up with the same numbers: 909 voters, 912 ballots cast. It is very unlikely that three people passed by the two voter-registry tables and cast ballots, election officials said. A more logical explanation is that three people were mistakenly given an extra ballot, used it, and told no one.” the Stowe Reporter article said.

I’m not totally sure what’s up with this picture from the Tobacco Valley News in Eureka, Mont. This is how the caption reads:

“Larry Driver, a carpenter with Burton Construction of Spokane, rivets planks into place at the Murphy Lake Ranger Station where their company is in charge of supervising the station’s’s expansion.”

Maybe I’m mistaken but it looks like a little grabassing going on to me. You two kids get back to work and finish riveting those planks or you’ll start paying me an allowance!

From the Mountain Home News in Mountain Home, Idaho. Well, just a bit of confusion. Granted, at more than 11,000 people, Mountain Home is not as small as say Sacul, Texas, or Tick Fever, Ark. But do you really think this is necessary:

“The Mountain Home City Council formally approved the creation of the new Urban Renewal District, after creating at its previous meeting the Urban Renewal District and appointing its commissioners.”

Next week look for the council to approve appointment of the commissioners for the new Urban Renewal District after formally approving the creation of the Urban Renewal District during the past week, one week after creating the Urban Renewal District.

There is just too much information out there in the world. It’s going to make my head explode. I’m sure you will read about it.

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