A big story today that will probably drop off the face of the political earth by tomorrow –At the moment, CNN reports that Iranian forces fired rockets at Golan Heights — probably qualifies for the least surprising news. The U.S. president who prefers Twitter time to that of a chief executive of the nation accidentally tweeted that his idea of “fake news” is a news report that is not favorable to the administration.
Surprise, surprise, surprise! As Gomer Pyle used to exclaim, although the simpleton Marine would blurt that phrase when something was pleasantly fortuitous.
What is most upsetting, at least to those who revere the First Amendment, President Little Fingers tweets: “Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?”
All of this because this corrupt president can dish it out but can’t take it. I have become amazed how some folks with good sense can worship this orange asshole. I ended a friendship on Facebook, and in real life, because this friend can’t admit when he is wrong. He was that way before President Orangutan Butt, but his man love for this sorry excuse for a leader just hastened things. If my friend/ex-friend can admit his part in the feud, then perhaps we can begin at least talking again. If not …
Such stupidity on behalf of our idiot president can be dismissed by many. But after more than 20 years as a journalist and an almost equal tenure as a public servant in city, state and federal government such thoughtless pronouncements makes the prospect of a possible authoritarian nation worrisome. That is why I don’t use the name of the person who Russia helped elect him as our president. (Maybe not maybe so. This is my opinion and you don’t have read it.)
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