I just finished watching the debate between the four candidates for Texas governor. I seriously am thinking about moving to Nebraska. No, not really. The debate was entertaining especially with Kinky Friedman saying:
“I don’t use the Internet — I think it’s the work of Satan.”
What was the Kinkster smoking tonight? I think his cigar must be loaded or he was loaded or both. He also said Sam Houston was an opium addict. Maybe he was. Maybe not. It was before my time. I think Friedman was pulling our leg. Or pulling something.
Gov. Goodhair was slick as a Texas toll road after an ice storm. He must have practiced.
This was the first time I have ever heard Democratic candidate Chris Bell speak. I thought he was some sort of peyote vision that the Texas Democratic party had, but damned if he doesn’t really exist!
The ever goofy Carole Keeton McClellan Rylander Strayhorn Bonaparte Zavala von Hindenburng was, well, ever goofy. If only her son Scotty McClellan had been that entertaining as presidential press secretary.
The debate was an hour of my life I will never get back.