An old Chinese proverb says something to the effect that editors should produce errors for readers to find. I can’t exactly remember the reason why. Perhaps it gives the reader something to do. Perhaps it helps boost self-esteem. Perhaps I am just grabbing this proverb out of my ass.
Nonetheless, this week’s mystery error was found by none other than my dear friend Suzie who lives in Arkansas. Suzie correctly corrected me by pointing out Gene Kelly was in “Singing in the Rain.” What I doofus I am. Well, as I told Suzie, we still need more Astaires. As in Astairway to Heaven.
Lina: Oh Donny! You couldn’t kiss me like that and not mean it just a teensy bit!
Don Lockwood: Meet the greatest actor in the world! I’d rather kiss a tarantula.
Lina: You don’t mean that.
Don Lockwood: I don’t – – Hey Joe, get me a tarantula.
For this week’s mystery winner, Suzie gets a free subscription to, what else? eight feet deep. What’s that? You say you already have a free subscription? Then have another. Jeez, I can’t give them away fast enough!