Today's headlines

Spaceman John Glenn lands upon the planet Meathook and asks butchers to take him to their leader.

Here is an analysis of what is making headlines today, July 3, 2006.

From Associated Press:
Crack found in foam on shuttle fuel tank
I don’t think I would want to fly on a space shuttle if people are smoking crack.

From The East African:
Mogadishu holds its breath
Then lets it out and holds its breath once more as residents of the Somali capitol tries for landing in the “Guinness Book of World Records” for mass breathing.

From the Austin American-Statesman:
Senators want to limit ruling on terror battle
Say what? What battle?

From National News Nine:
Asteroid may pose danger to Earth
Earth people should practice panicking in case the asteroid hits within the next hundred or so years.

From Australian IT:
Multimedia laptops slug it out
Dell XPS Notebook suffers bruised chip in street melee with MacBook and aging Compaq Armada.

And finally–

From Reuters India:

Double fiesta as both sides claim Mexico vote

U.S. sends Kathleen Harris to sort out Mexican presidential election. Mexican borders overrun by American lawyers.

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