Trouble with a capital "C"

It seems I have been having more than my share of computer problems. Perhaps it is just circumstances beyond my control. Or maybe it’s just something I ate dreamed. Who knows what it is but it has been happening too much to me lately.

Last night I did something while working on my blog, what I am not certain, but I ended up with a blank screen and unable to access said blog. Thankfully, Paul who has been helping set me up on Word Press from Japan was able get everything back on track albeit it was not without first seeing my blog minus an archive. Thank goodness that’s back to normal.

Anyway, we will figure it all out eventually. You might say this is a work in progress.

Speaking of Michael Jackson (who was?) it certainly seems if the tumultuous after-death phase in this saga is off to as raucous a start as I could have predicted. It will be interesting to see how many lawsuits are filed in Jackson’s wake over money, debt, the children and the ultimate custody of Bubbles the Chimp. I suppose Bubbles is still alive. Maybe not. I guess I should have found that out before I wrote it. No biggie.

Jackson’s post-life celebration certainly seems tamer than one might imagine. I figure he would do something really trippy such as freezing his head, or whole body for that matter, for the afterlife as did baseball great Ted Williams. And really, wouldn’t Ted Williams’ Frozen Head be a kick-ass band name?