Beaumont/Port Arthur, SE Texas Regional Airport
Lat: 29.95 Lon: -94.02 Elev: 16
Last Update on Jan 5, 3:53 pm CST
(11°C) Humidity: 96 %
Wind Speed: NW 8 MPH
Barometer: 29.93″ (1013.6 mb)
Dewpoint: 50°F (10°C)
Wind Chill: 48°F (9°C)
Visibility: 1.50 mi.
As the latest conditions show right now the weather outside isn’t the best to be out and about. Perhaps it is and has been appropriate weather to stay home from work sick though. I am battling some kind of stomach ailment, virus, food poisoning, whatever. It’s not fun. Time to get back to bed.