If the level of rhetoric which has passed for far-right-wing discourse in recent times is any indicator then we should all gear up for some kind of truly stupid wingnut comments about Sonia Sotomayor’s busted ankle.
The 54-year-old federal circuit court judge and Barack Obama’s first Supreme Court nominee fractured her ankle after tripping this morning at LaGuardia Airport in New York on her way to Washington.
“No doubt the woman who would be the first Hispanic appointed to the Supreme Court spent too much of her time over the weekend knocking back the margaritas, probably while wearing one of those hideous, large sombreros,” I can just hear Rush Limbaugh say.
“Do you want a Supreme Court justice who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time?” Perhaps Ann Coulter would ask, adding, “Too bad the fall didn’t kill her.”
Of course, the presumed justice-to-be’s fall and cracked ankle will be fodder for late night — Dave and Conan (Jeez, I still can’t believe Conan in the seat where Jack Paar and Johnny Carson sat) — may be funny when they ridicule her. But I would count on those sour little right-wing political propagandists saying something they think is funny but is only mean.
That’s part of what separates human beings from extreme wingnuts like Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Beck, Coulter, Malkin, Hannity and all the lesser-known wannabes.