Wuss Dog stops barking long enough to pose for a pic.
It’s a typical yo-yo weather December day in Southeast Texas. I was in a meeting all morning and decided to go for a walk after returning home. It was time to dress in my walking shorts because it was almost 70 degrees outside. Not too shabby. But there is no telling what the temperature will be tomorrow so “putting away” clothes from one season or another just doesn’t apply here.
I did hear one of our local TV weather gods say things might really be cold next week. It kind of figures. For whatever reason it tends to get well-digger’s-ass cold in these parts just before Christmas. Some of the coldest winter weather I’ve seen in Texas happened the week of or a week before Christmas. I don’t know if any particular meteorological reason exists to explain the timing or that I just happen to remember these freezing spells because they occur near Christmas. The coldest I can remember was the week of Christmas 1983. I was staying in Dallas with my friend, Bruce. I recall him plodding down his apartment stairs to go to work one morning only to end up bouncing down those stairs due to ice. And he was carrying a charged-up battery for his GTO. Amazing the things you commit to memory.
The view down Long Avenue. Why? Because it’s there.
I like this stretch of Long Avenue in Beaumont. Some really fabulous houses are on this street with its nice red-brick sidewalks. The sidewalks do get a little slippery when the sprinklers go on.
Oh, I completely forgot about Wuss Dog. I had my camera with me so I decided to take Wuss Dog’s picture. It started barking at me and finally it trotted off indignantly behind a house. It’s a rather indignant animal. It sees me almost every day. Some days it barks some days it just looks at me. I think Wuss Dog needs therapy.