We all know Lindsay Lohans. They are just not rich and famous.

Lindsay Lohan is going to jail. But for how long? That is the big question floating around in the media today for all to see.

Too bad the big question isn’t: Who is Lindsay Lohan?

I might have seen her in a movie. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I did once. I think she played this juvenile delinquent-type character. Perhaps it was an autobiopic.

The truth is that I don’t watch a lot of movies until they make it to television. And that doesn’t take all that long these days does it? I would never knowingly watch a movie just because it starred Lindsay Lohan. I wouldn’t even watch a movie just because it starred anyone, not even Clint Eastwood, not even John Wayne, rest his soul, not even Salma Hayek. Well, I could make exceptions.

I know Lohan is a big star and she is even more famous because she is infamous. She keeps screwing up. She comes to court late on her sentencing date and on the date she is to report to jail. In other words, she is a twit. Either she is a twit or she is just really messed up on “substances,” or both she is a twit messed up on substances. Got to be one or the other, plus maybe she thinks it is good PR. Who said that even bad PR is good PR? Was that what was said? I don’t know.

A helicopter followed Lindsay Lohan all the way to jail this morning just to see if a photograph could be snapped of her in handcuffs, wearing no underpants. No luck there.

I’ve known people who have gone to jail. Real people. People who aren’t famous and who are just like you and me. I’ve known people who’ve gone to prison. We all know someone who is going through something that some of these famous people we’ve never heard of, sometimes go through, and more. Some of these non-famous people have much more interesting stories than Lindsay Lohan. But most aren’t as famous or as rich or as rich and about to be has-beens if they don’t quit snorting coke or shooting up or whatever it is they are doing to f**k up.

These real people aren’t followed by helicopters. For that, I am grateful. Some people I know might just take a pot shot at “Chopper Dave,” who after all is only doing his job.

The rich and famous are followed and make the news because they are rich and famous. The “common” folks just love to see the big fall far. The real people also like to live vicariously through the Lindsay Lohans of the World. Oh, they cuss them and call them idiots, but like slowing down to watch a car wreck, the real people want to know what the beautiful people are doing every minute of the day.

Too bad the real people don’t realize just how fascinating they are. Who in the World knows what goes on in the minds of the not rich and obscure.