What makes a king of a slave?


When I heard Attorney General Eric Holder remark that ours is a “nation of cowards” in the U.S. when it comes to race, I predicted it would considerably infuriate some of our citizens of the rightwingnut persuasion. I was right, pardon the pun.

Holder told Justice Department employees Monday that the nation is racially segregated on weekends and that inadequate dialogue exists on matters of race. The nation’s first black attorney general was speaking in the context of Black History Month and the reactionary reaction was historically predictable.

I listened to Rush Limbaugh about a minute too long today and he was, surprise, about to blow a head gasket over the remarks. Limburger was a little astonishing with his attacks on Holder, however, in that that he managed to talk for a minute or so without making the whole issue about him.

To be fair, it is understandable reactions of all sorts would erupt with such provocative remarks. It seems, at least, that is what Holder sought to do. Even if you are not a wingnut I can also understand why such remarks might cause consternation.

First of all, “coward” is a mighty strong word especially when used by one of the most important figures in our government. I don’t think anyone would particularly relish being told they were yellow-bellied.

One would also imagine that given the election of Obama and the fact that Holder holds the position he does that the U.S. has made leaps and bounds in racial relations.

But let’s face it, race is the unzipped fly of American society. It makes us uncomfortable to talk about it with those who are of different races from our own because of whatever baggage was left on our doorsteps by previous generations. The sensitivity of the subject and the touchiness with which the subject sometimes leaves behind results in a propensity to do just about anything short of setting our hair on fire rather than talk about race.

I don’t wholeheartedly agree with Holder’s contentions nor do I wholeheartedly disagree. Being a lawyer, one would think that Holder could find a word less explosive than “coward” even though I don’t know if he could make his point as succinctly using another word. It doesn’t hurt for government leaders to shake up the populace every now and then. If the new attorney general makes a habit of in though one would hope the Great Barack Attack would tell Holder to keep a lid on it.

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